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Three New Active Places Resources for Rural Communities


In partnership with Safe Routes to School practitioners in rural communities around the country, the Safe Routes to School National Partnership has developed three new factsheets to help overcome obstacles and get rural dwellers the health benefits of walking and bicycling. The first provides an introduction to Safe Routes to School, highlighting why Safe Routes to School is so good for rural communities (Rural Communities: Making Safe Routes Work).  The second delves into the challenges of Safe Routes to School in rural areas, and highlights successful rural programs and the innovative approaches they’ve used to overcome hurdles (Rural Communities: Best Practices and Promising Approaches for Safe Routes).  The third takes on rural active transportation generally, setting out an approach for how rural communities can support walking and bicycling more broadly (Rural Communities: A Two Pronged Approach for Improving Walking and Bicycling).

Rural communities can be great places for walking and bicycling – but they require some different techniques than urban or suburban communities.  These factsheets help rural families enjoy bicycling and walking on those lovely calm streets, while assisting in developing strategies for overcoming the challenges that may be there too.

Our special thanks to the Safe Routes to School National Partnership for these resources.