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Breaking News: Complete Streets in Des Moines!

News from Iowa!  The Des Moines City Council voted 7-0 to pass a complete streets policy focused on safe travel around the city!


After nearly two years of work, the MoveDSM plan – Des Moines’ first citywide transportation planning effort – passed the complete streets policy. MoveDSM will establish a multi-modal vision for transportation in Des Moines, Iowa over the next 25 years. Under MoveDSM, there is a priority to connect the city's sidewalk network, fill the gaps near schools and bus stops, redesign the city's dangerous streets, and complete the city's bicycle network, which will improve access to safe physical activity for 217,500 residents.

Congratulations to local advocates and the American Heart Association, Safe Routes to School National Partnership, AARP, NAACP, Des Moines YMCA, Des Moines Bike Collective, United Way of Central Iowa, Des Moines Public Schools, and other members of the Well Kids coalition for their work to make streets safer for all in Des Moines!

Help us share the news:

  • #Congrats #DesMoines! Thank you for making streets safer for physical activity!  #streetsbuilttoshare


Want to make progress in your community? Check out our complete streets toolkit!