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Wow! More than 15,000 People Took Action


Here’s a piece of good news to head into the holiday break: More than 15,000 people have written to their governor to ask what their state plans to do to reverse obesity! exceeded our goal of sending 10,000 letters to governors across the country. Nearly 9,000 people took action via, while more than 6,000 wrote to their governor via a petition we posted on the website Care2.  

On Care2, many action takers also added their own comments to share with their governor.

“Obesity brings with it a lot of health issues, including diabetes,” wrote Barbara Kantola from Michigan. “Children need proper food and exercise, like playing outside; so do adults, for that matter.”

“Obesity plays a major [role] in overall health,” wrote Karen Walker from California. “For many children, their school lunch is the healthiest meal they eat all day. Let’s take care of the children.”

“If we can teach children good eating habits, it will carry through to healthier adults who teach their children better eating habits as well,” wrote Melissa New from Washington.

“As a health provider, I know that the cheapest way to improve health in this country is to prevent obesity,” said Dr. Greg Frost from New York.

Asking governors for their plans to reverse obesity is a great way to begin (or continue) the conversation about the need to address this important health issue.  Thanks to everybody who wrote their governor — and if you haven’t, there’s still time to do so!