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Webinar: School Food History Lesson


Folks in the childhood obesity movement talk all the time about improving school food — but how much has it really changed over the years?

The National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity (NANA) will team up with experts from the U.S. Department of Agriculture on a March 13 webinar to unveil the latest findings in the School Nutrition Dietary Assessment, which studies the nutritional quality of school meals, the school environments in which they operate and the availability of foods sold outside of meals.

The USDA has sponsored the report since the early 1990s to study school food, and during the webinar, researchers are expected to discuss how the school food environment has changed since the report was first released.

Scheduled speakers include Tracy Fox, a Leader and president of Food, Nutrition & Policy Consultants, LLC; Jay Hirschman, director of special nutrition staff at the Office of Research Analysis at the USDA Food and Nutrition Service; Mary Kay Fox, senior fellow and area leader for nutrition policy at Mathematica Policy Research; and Mary Kay Crepinsek, senior researcher and Mathematica Policy Research.

The webinar is free to join and slated to begin at 2 p.m. Eastern. Click here to register.