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New CityHealth Report Shows City Leaders are Putting Policies in Place to Help Residents Thrive

According to a new report by the CityHealth initiative, more than half of the nation’s 40 largest cities have adopted policies to improve the health and well-being of their residents. While this presents an improvement from the past, some major cities have yet to adopt smart policy making.


As per the report, 40 major U.S. cities were ranked by CityHealth, an initiative of the de Beaumont Foundation and Kaiser Permanente, based on an evaluation of nine key health-related policies. As part of these rankings, CityHealth awarded each city a gold, silver, bronze, or no medal, according to their performance in the assessment. Additionally, CityHealth also awarded nine policy-specific medals to each city, according to the quality and strength of the laws in place, which address:

  • Complete Streets
  • Tobacco 21
  • Smoke-Free Indoor Air
  • Healthy Food Procurement
  • Earned Sick Leave
  • High-quality, Universal Pre-K
  • Affordable Housing/Inclusionary Zoning
  • Alcohol Sales Control
  • Food Safety and Restaurant Inspection Rating

This year more than half of the cities – 25 cities total – earned a gold, silver, or bronze medal.  For details on how each of the 40 cities stack up, go to

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Facebook - @CityHealthOrg just announced its NEW 2018 city policy ratings for the 40 largest U.S. cities. By looking at nine policies that impact affordable housing, tobacco use, pre-K, transportation and more, CityHealth is recognizing cities that are making sure their residents thrive. Let’s create cities that #LeadWithHealth. How did your city do? Find out here!

Twitter - In a NEW report, @City_Health looks at nine policies that improve health and quality of life in the 40 largest U.S. cities. Check out how your city did here:   #LeadWithHealth