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From the Network: What You’re Saying about the School Snacks Campaign


Exciting news: More than 46,500 people already have raised their voice in support of healthy school snacks and drinks!

Celebrity chef Rachael Ray sent an email to Leaders and Supporters on Monday asking folks to raise their voice in support of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s proposed nutrition standards for school snacks and drinks. Since the campaign officially launched on Monday — Leaders received an exclusive look at it in last week’s Inside Track — we’ve been overwhelmed by the response.

Along with tens of thousands taking action, many of you have written us to share your thoughts on the campaign and your experiences in trying to improve school snacks and drinks in your community. We’re sharing some of our favorite comments below — and don’t forget to write to the USDA if you haven’t yet done so!

“In 1978, another teacher and I found a way to get the Coke machines and the snack machines switched to juice machines and granola bar machines. In the three months that it was in place we saw a big difference in the way the kids acted after lunch. They were calmer and more serene and had a longer attention span!—Kate F.

“Having studied nutrition and then having been a nurse for 30 years, I have known the science and seen the results of the foods that have been promoted by the food industry and backed by the USDA, or at least not spoken out against as they should have done years ago. I will happily and humbly sign your petition...  I'm sure Rachael Ray will be a very effective spokesperson in appealing to the very people who are most in need. Thank you for what you are trying to do here. And good luck!” —Cynthia G.

“I think it would be great if all the chefs (like [Rachael Ray]) would contribute a really good recipe to the USDA to be used at schools.  They should be fairly simple, tasty and nutritious.” —Marita F.

Editor’s Note: Rachael Ray has crafted several school recipes via her nonprofit organization, YumO! You can find recipes on the organization’s website.

“Generally speaking though I would agree that baked fries are better because of the potassium than fried fries, but maybe a banana would also be better if it could be kept fresh too. For some reason I've noticed that bananas are getting poor treatment at the check-out lines getting bruised, and they don't last very long. Oranges are great too for the vitamin C.” —Marjorie Y.