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Just Released: Physical Activity Case Studies

New case studies are available—learn more here.


PAcasestudiesgraphic.jpgVoices for Healthy Kids and Safe Routes to School National Partnership are pleased to release a series of seven case studies on successful campaigns to increase physical activity throughout the nation. These new resources tell the stories of state- and local-level campaign wins for active transportation funding, Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets, shared use, and environmental justice policies. They provide excellent examples of how communities and organizations can advance policies and programs that institutionalize support for walking, biking, physical activity, and healthy communities.       

Complete Streets: By studying two communities that have successfully passed Complete Streets ordinances – one in Oklahoma, and one in South Carolina – we gain insight into how a coalition of supporters built broad community backing and overcame resistance from certain stakeholders, and how support has grown since the policies were implemented. 

Safe Routes to School: An analysis of Ohio’s Safe Routes to School program, which is regarded as one of the leading programs in the country, highlights how the state’s requirement of a school travel plan (STP) to be eligible for Safe Routes to School funding has provided communities with a solid foundation upon which to develop lasting and sustainable programs that increase walking and biking to school and make it safer.

Active Transportation Funding: By looking at active transportation funding campaigns in six different states, we can see patterns emerge that yield consistent takeaways and lessons learned – such as the importance of broad coalitions, structure, and trust; the influence of local knowledge and leaders on policymakers; and the need for expert help on lobbying. The case studies also highlight unique circumstances in each state or region that presented challenges and opportunities during the campaigns. 

Shared Use: These case studies highlight how shared use agreements and partnerships with faith-based communities assisted in increasing physical activity in Mississippi, and how a tobacco excise tax has successfully funded shared use programs in Arkansas with support from key partners, including the Department of Education and Department of Health. 

Environmental Justice: This case study provides an overview of why environmental justice matters and highlights the issues facing communities in Southern California, as well as the health disparities they face because of their built environment.


These case studies offer important takeaways and lessons learned for organizations and communities that are working to support healthy, active, and fair communities that offer everyone the opportunity to safely walk, bike, and be physically active in daily life. 

You can access the new case studies in the “Resource” section of the following Voices for Healthy Kids toolkits:

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Safe Routes to School and Voices for Healthy Kids has released a new series of case studies on successful campaigns to increase physical activity throughout the nation.  These resources tell the stories of state- and local-level campaign wins for active transportation funding, Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets, shared use, and environmental justice policies.

Read the studies: