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Insights on Teen’s Connection to the Outdoors

In today’s technology-driven world, teens are disconnected from their environment and spend very little time outdoors, which threatens their health and well-being. A new survey from NEEF uncovers critical insights into how teens interact with the outdoors and who they turn to for information about the environment.


nullOn a typical school day, teenagers spend just one hour outdoors, according to a new survey from the National Environmental Education Foundation. The survey uncovers critical insights into how teens interact with the environment in today’s technology-driven world. It finds that although most teens (80 percent) say they prefer to spend time indoors, they overwhelmingly recognize that time outdoors makes them healthier (92 percent) and happier (88 percent). The survey also sheds light on who teens turn to for environmental education, noting that parents and educators play a crucial role in connecting teens to their environment.

Organizations are partnering with NEEF to share insights from the teen survey with parents, educators and others who directly influence teens’ relationship with the environment to empower them to increase environmental learning. Together, we are raising up the importance of teens finding a balance with their use of technology and getting outdoors more often. Join us to spread the word about the survey and foster a deeper connection between teens and the outdoors. Visit to learn more.