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Astute Inside Track readers will recall our January 2012 profile of Tania Lopez, the mother-of-two who created the character Coqui the Chef to teach kids and their families about healthy eating. The chef is based on the real-life coqui frog, a tiny species with a big voice — which Lopez thought made for the perfect mascot to showcase the importance of good nutrition.

Coqui the Chef’s message has continued to spread since we chatted with Lopez last year. The program received the American Heart Association’s New York City Community Impact Grant, for example, and even appeared as a guest of honor at the 55th Annual National Puerto Rican Day Parade.

But on Friday, Lopez and Coqui the Chef hit the big time.

First, the dynamic duo stopped by the television show The Chew to spread their healthy message. While on set, Lopez was ambushed by Chew co-host Clinton Kelly and Stacy London, his partner-in-crime on TLC’s makeover show What Not to Wear.

Lopez agreed to appear on the TLC show, ditching her wardrobe in return for $5,000 to buy a new wardrobe as part of her makeover, which also included hair and makeup. The results were revealed on What Not to Wear on Friday night (you can see them in this clip).

“Being on The Chew and What Not to Wear was an amazing experience! I learned so much about myself and clothing.  I kept the look and wear the clothes often, it amazes me how the right clothes and attitude enhanced my self-confidence,” Lopez tells the Inside Track.

Click here to connect with Tania Lopez.