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Building a Healthier Future for Latino Kids


Our friends at Salud America! this summer will roll out six sets of advocacy materials that seek to tackle disproportionate rates of childhood obesity in Latino communities.

Each package will contain a research review, issue brief, video and infographics that are designed to explain the issue at hand and help advocates in efforts to create change. The first package, Healthier School Snacks, highlights how Latino students are widely exposed to unhealthy snacks and beverages in schools. Implementing national nutritional guidelines for school snacks will help Latino kids make healthier choices in school.

Another package, Better Food in the Neighborhood, studies the landscape of Latino neighborhoods, which often have more fast food restaurants and fewer supermarkets than non-Latino neighborhoods. However, efforts to bring supermarkets to these communities and help corner stores such as bodegas increase healthy, affordable options can contribute to healthier diets, research shows. 

Additional research packages studying active spaces, active play, healthier marketing and sugary drinks are expected to be unveiled in the coming weeks.

Check out the Salud America! website for more details and to download the research packages.