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YES! Youth Network Announces New Funding Opportunities

Youth Empowered Solutions is excited to announce partner funding to join the YES! Youth Network.


This network is a cohort of youth-adult teams across the country working to empower youth, in partnership with adults to create community change. YES! is committed to creating community change through the lens of social justice by applying an explicit racial equity framework. Therefore, YES! is seeking opportunities with organizations led by people and youth of color. Whether the issue is food justice, tobacco use, or access to oral health, root causes -  particularly racism -  impact all of these. 

At YES! we know that young people under the age of 18 make up more than a quarter of the U.S. population, yet their potential as a generation to contribute to a better society is systematically ignored. Racism operates in a way that maintains the same unjust power structure that suppresses youth voices. For youth of color, this issue is magnified by the fact that the racial composition of government and non-profit leadership too often does not reflect the communities they are elected or appointed to serve. Empowering youth of color and addressing structural racism elevates the voices of marginalized communities and helps us begin to realize a more balanced power structure.

The 2018 round of mini-grant funding will look to fund work that supports youth of color as they lead advocacy efforts around Food Justice, Access to Water, Tobacco/E-Cigarette Prevention and Access to Oral Healthcare. YES! is offering two different mini-grants: 1) Local North Carolina YES! Youth Network partners (up to $2,500) and 2) National YES! Youth Network Partners (outside of NC, up to $4,000). 

Applications are due by May 31, 2018. 


To learn more about the funding opportunity, click here.