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Webcast TODAY: Low Calorie Foods Good for Business Leader Hank Cardello is scheduled to appear on a discussion panel in Washington today to unveil a new report showing that efforts by major restaurant chains to sell lower calorie foods and beverages can be better for their bottom lines — and you can take part from your computer!

Cardello’s chat, scheduled for 12 p.m. EST at the Hudson Institute, will be live-streamed over the Internet, and questions will be accepted via @HudsonInstitute. A video recording of the webcast will be posted on the Institute's website afterword.

Other scheduled panelists include James Marks, senior vice president and director of the Health Group at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Joyal Mulheron, the chief strategy officer for Partnership for a Healthier America; and Dan Glickman, the former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture who now works as a senior fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center.

The report was produced by the Hudson Institute’s Obesity Solutions Initiative, which Cardello oversees. Cardello spent more than three decades in the food and beverage industry, and now works to engage industry on obesity issues, arguing that offering more nutritional and low-calorie options is good for profit margins.

Click here to read the new report Lower-Calorie Foods: It's Just Good Business.

Click here to connect with Hank Cardello.