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Want to Know How Hospitals Commit Community Benefit Expenditures to Fulfill Their Mission?

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, in partnership with RTI International and Public Health Institute, launched "The website is a searchable online user-friendly database for looking up the schedule H report on community benefit expenditures for all non-profit hospitals over the period 2010-2014 - with 2015 shortly to be added."


iStock-671836090.jpgCommunity Benefit Insight aims to accomplish three main goals:

  • Help visitors understand the linkages between community benefit expenditures and community health needs, and inform conversations and partnerships between tax-exempt hospitals and other stakeholders


  • Present critical information about how U.S. tax-exempt hospitals commit community benefit expenditures to fulfill the hospital mission and meet tax-exempt regulatory requirements


  • Provide direct access to the community benefit spending information from tax-exempt hospitals throughout the United States


Visit the new site here.