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Walking and Biking Progress in Santa Clara County, CA

Santa Clara residents will now have access to more innovative and comprehensive transportation—learn more here.


bikegirlsroad.PNGSanta Clara has a robust Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program, called the Traffic Safe Communities Network (TSCN). The county recently passed Measure B, a transformative, innovative, and comprehensive transportation improvement plan that will invest millions to expand TSCN to strengthen community safety and improve physical activity opportunities for children and adults.

Over 30 years, Measure B will provide an estimated $6.3B to offer a multi-pronged, geographically balanced approach to widening and improving highways, expressways and interchanges, repairing potholes and repaving city streets, expanding BART, increasing the capacity of a soon-to-be-electrified Caltrain, improving biking and walking paths, and providing additional transit options for older adults, students, and people with disabilities.

Specifically, the measure would allocate $1.5 billion to extend BART to downtown San Jose and Santa Clara; $1.2 billion to the county’s 15 cities to maintain and repair their streets; $1 billion to improve Caltrain capacity and construct grade separations in Palo Alto, Sunnyvale and Mountain View; $750 million to expand the county’s nine expressways; $750 million to improve key highway interchanges; $500 million to bolster transit operations that cater to under-served residents; $350 million to study transit alternatives on the Highway 85 corridor; and $250 million to make safer bicycle paths and pedestrian walkways, including Safe Routes to Schools.

Santa Clara’s SRTS programs include the Public Health Department’s “Walk & Roll” program, which implements SRTS services. Using a collaborative approach, the program creates safe, convenient, and fun opportunities for students and their families to walk and bicycle to and from school. The program succeeds by including the whole community and encompassing the “6 E’s of SRTS”: Education, Encouragement, Engineering, Enforcement, Equity, and Evaluation. The SRTS program incorporates equity and engagement into all activities to ensure that every student, no matter his or her background or situation, has the opportunity to walk and bicycle to school safely.

Read more about Santa Clara’s Safe Routes to School programs.


Read the original story here.