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Voices for Healthy Kids Grant Opportunities Available: Deadline January 11th - 5 PM PST

Voices for Healthy Kids is offering new grant opportunities. This round of funding will be an open call for proposals. Applications should support a Voices for Healthy Kids Policy Lever and be submitted by the deadline of January 11, 2019 - 5 PM PST.  This will be the last open call for applications until June 2019.


The American Heart Association and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation are working to create a culture of health through Voices for Healthy Kids. Through this collaboration, and in working with a team of experts across the healthy eating and active living movement. The initiative aims to engage, organize, and mobilize people to help all children grow up healthy. Voices for Healthy Kids will advance coordinated state, local, and tribal public policy issue advocacy campaigns focused on healthy eating and active living. We will utilize the American Heart Association's proven advocacy capacity to drive meaningful and widespread policy change. The goal of the grant opportunities within this initiative is to make effective strategic investments in ongoing state, local, and tribal public policy issue campaigns in order to increase public policy impact on healthy weight and living among children.

Pre-Application Webinar Recordings

To assist potential applicants in preparing a Policy Campaign Grant or Incubator applications the following recorded webinars are posted online

Application and Submission: Review the funding opportunities, eligibility requirements, online grant management system and application requirements. - Coming Soon - Due to changes made in the regranting program this will be re-recorded.    

Model Campaign Planning Tool: This recording reviews the Model Campaign Planning tool (required for Policy Campaign (formerly Open RFA) and Supplemental Applications).      

Building Health Equity into your Campaign Plan: This recorded session discusses the integration of Health Equity into your campaign plan.      

Policy Campaign Grant Opportunity (formerly Open RFA)
Strategic Campaign Funds Policy Campaign Grant opportunity aims to fund strategic issue advocacy campaigns focused on helping kids grow up at a healthy weight through state, local, and tribal public policy campaigns. Applications must be specific to an individual campaign for public policy change in one state, local or tribal geographic location. Voices for Healthy Kids is allocating grants up to $250,000 per award for a period of up to one year starting on February or March 1, 2019.      

Policy Campaign Grant applicants must include in their application a campaign plan, budget (up to $250,000), and now required to include a Priority Population Engagement Subgrantee. The goal of including an Priority Population Engagement Subgrantee is to engage partners and strategies in your campaign that will further the policy efforts, particularly by empowered engagement of priority populations most impacted by childhood obesity.

Voices for Healthy Kids has an opportunity to change how we regrant for public policy campaigns.  We are shifting our funding opportunities to include both non lobbying and lobbying tactics within a single grant opportunity, if needed.  Applicants working on policy campaigns that would benefit from lobbying are able to allocate up to 20% of their budget for lobbying tactics.

Incubator Opportunity
Voices for Healthy Kids has made a commitment to ensure that we reach those populations most adversely affected by childhood obesity and has integrated a broad-based health equity approach throughout the design of our initiative. Incubator opportunities should identify additional partners and strategies through the empowered engagement of populations that are in the greatest need for helping all children achieve a healthy weight. Voices for Healthy Kids is allocating $30,000 funding per award for a period of up to one year. Additionally, we are now offering the opportunity to include an Incubator Subgrantee within the Open RFA application to engage health equity partners in the campaign from the start.       

Voices for Healthy Kids does not fund:

  • curricula development
  • policy implementation
  • equipment
  • operations of physical activity, nutrition or similar participant based program capital expenditures
  • academic research or other non-advocacy purposes

Online Grant Management System
Voices for Healthy Kids grant information and applications are online.  All applications will be submitted in this system and registration is required. Please follow these simple steps to register:

  1. Visit and in the lower right-hand side of the webpage, click the create account now button. Be sure to use Google Chrome as this site does not work with Internet Explorer.
  2. Complete the eligibility quiz.
  3. If your organization is eligible you will then need to complete a registration form for your organization and individual information. 
  4. Once submitted, your registration will be reviewed and approved within 2 business days.  

We appreciate your support in sharing this opportunity with eligible organizations working on state or local advocacy campaigns. Together, we can ensure that children have access to healthy food and physical activity where they live, learn and play. If you have any questions, please visit our Grant Opportunities website.

If you have any questions, please visit our Grant Opportunities website or contact Shannon Melluzzo at [email protected].