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The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is Hiring a Program Officer for the Healthy Children, Healthy Weight Team

The Foundation is seeking a program officer to focus on its efforts to ensure that all children and their families have an equitable opportunity to achieve their optimal health and well-being. RWJF’s aims to improve child and family well-being, particularly during the earliest years of a child’s life, through policy, systems, and environmental changes.


This PO will play a critical role in advancing the Foundation’s priorities by designing, managing, and monitoring strategies and initiatives that focus on promoting multigenerational policies that promote health outcomes for children and advancement of healthier school environments. Drawing upon experience working in highly collaborative environments, leading strategy development and monitoring, and designing systems-change initiatives, the new PO will lead the design and implementation of new and on-going initiatives and programs that propel policy change; evaluate progress at the strategy and initiative levels; learn from our investments and activities in close collaboration with RWJF’s Research, Evaluation, and Learning Unit; and create impact through dissemination of knowledge.

View the full job description, and how to apply.

The deadline to apply is Sunday, August 12, 2018.