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Tennessee Early Care and Education Regulations Approved

New licensure regulations for Tennessee childcare agencies have received final approval by the state attorney general and become effective on July 30, 2018! 


The new regulations are for both center and home-based early childcare providers and establish statewide nutrition, physical activity, and screen time standards.  Over the last two years, the American Heart Association worked with the YMCA to ensure meaningful language was included in the rule rewrite by the Department of Human Services.  More than 350,000 young children will be positively impacted by the new standards!

Tennessee is the latest state to update regulations to protect children and establish clear standards that will give all kids the building blocks for a healthy life.  Congratulations to advocates, including the American Heart Association team in TN, for making home and center-based childcare settings healthier environments for all children!

Get involved in ensuring standards for early child care – sign up for the action team!