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Taking the Lead



We’re getting closer, but we’ve still got a long way to go in our effort to register 2,000 Leaders by our Jan. 31 deadline.
Many of you work for organizations that are doing great work in this field, but many of your coworkers aren’t registered as Leaders. Can you spread the word?
Or, if you’d rather, email our customer relations manager Zach Brooks with contact information of potential Leaders via [email protected].   
Since we began our push to find new Leaders in last week’s Inside Track, 17 people officially were approved as Leaders.
But we only have a little more than 700 Leaders total, meaning we’ve still need to find roughly 1,300 Leaders before we reach our target!
Here at, we’re committed to building a movement of people like you who are leading the way in the effort to reverse childhood obesity. We strive to help you promote your work, provide assistance with your own campaigns and connect you with others undertaking similar efforts in their communities.
But we’re only as strong as the people who join We need more folks to sign up as Leaders, so we can continue to grow the movement and create the change needed to reverse this epidemic.
Thanks again for all your help growing the network.


Action in the Emerald City 

Looking to bring in additional money for student extracurricular activities, Seattle Public Schools is revising its healthy food standards for high school vending machines. Take action now.
You might have heard what’s happening in Seattle schools.
Right now, the Seattle School Board is considering revising its nutrition policy to allow products currently banned from schools to be sold in campus vending machines. Board officials say they are doing so to raise money for student activities and events.
When heard about this, we quickly sprung into action. We partnered with Seattle-based Leader and Treeswing Executive DirectorCarolyn Kramer to send our Supporters in Washington state an email asking them to tell the Seattle School Board to uphold healthy nutrition standards for vending machines.
In her email, Kramer points out that finding the money for student fundraisers is important, as extracurriculars shape the high school experience and give students confidence. Fortunately, student fundraisers and good nutrition can go hand-in-hand, she writes:
“Schools nationwide have implemented healthy food standards and sell nutritious goods in their vending machines to raise money. Others run alternative types of fundraisers such as 5K runs or sell items like balloons, candles and wrapping paper. 
It's a win-win! Students get the money they need while maintaining healthy eating habits. And study after study shows that kids who eat healthy in school do better in school.”
Seattle was one of the first cities in the country to establish strong nutrition standards for school vending machines. We’re hopeful they will uphold their healthy legacy when they revise the standards.
We’re also curious to hear from you. How have schools in your community worked to fundraise while also establishing or upholding healthy nutrition standards? Email me at [email protected] to share your story.