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Suddenly It’s Summer



Kids often are most physically active at school, where they participate in physical education classes, athletic teams, after-school activities and other programs.

But when school wraps up at the end of the year, many young people move less. Research shows that kids are more prone to weight gain and fall behind in their studies during the summer months, in part because they aren’t as physically active.

Enter the YMCA. On April 28, the organization will host “Healthy Kids Day,” a nationwide effort to help kids get inspired to move this summer.

“At the YMCA, we know that when the school year ends, many kids lose exposure to activities that keep them moving and learning,” says Kyle Stewart, executive director of the Alliance for New York State YMCAs. “Summer is just around the corner and is an ideal time for kids to get out and grow.”

More than 1,900 YMCA locations will host free community events meant to kick start physical activity and learning during the summer.

Healthy Kids Day will educate children and their families on way to stay healthy in the hot months, including by eating more fruits and vegetables, visiting local and national parks, gardening, swimming and even doing yoga. The YMCA also will work to ensure children minimize summer learning loss by encouraging them to do things such as visiting their local library or working on a crossword puzzle each morning.

Click here to learn more about Healthy Kids Day, and click here to find your local YMCA to learn how you can get involved in your community.