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Stand Up for Snacks


Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) began to implement improved nutrition standards for school meals. But those new guidelines don’t apply to food and beverages served outside of meals, including snacks.

That’s one of the reasons why Leader Casey Hinds sent an email on Wednesday to the entire network of nearly 100,000 people asking folks to sign a petition supporting policies and programs that promote healthy snacks in schools.

As you might have read in last week’s Inside Track, the USDA is slated to soon release improved nutritional guidelines for food and beverages sold outside of meals, commonly referred to as “competitive foods” because they compete with school meals for students’ spending. These guidelines are expected to improve the nutritional quality of snacks and drinks sold as a la carte items, in vending machines or at student stores.

But we don’t want to wait until the guidelines to be released to tell the agency that everything sold in schools should be healthy! Click here to sign the petition.