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Safe Routes to School Invites You to Participate in Its Program Census Survey

Did you know that there is no single catalog of basic information about Safe Routes to School programs throughout the country? Without this information, it is difficult to track trends and progress in the Safe Routes to School movement and provide targeted support and resources to local communities. That’s why the Safe Routes to School National Partnership is asking every Safe Routes to School program to complete a survey to share information about your program. 


The purpose of this survey is to identify as many Safe Routes to School programs as possible in the United States (and beyond!). By compiling this information, we will develop a better understanding of Safe Routes to School programs, identify areas that need additional support, and provide better resources and information related to Safe Routes to School.

Who should fill out a Safe Routes to School Program Census survey form?  We are looking for one entry from each Safe Routes to School program. 

What is a Safe Routes to School program?  Any local, regional, or state initiative, by whatever name, funded or unfunded, that takes action focused on getting more kids walking and biking safely to and from school.  If your initiative runs a walking school bus or provides bike education in schools, you are a Safe Routes to School program! 

If you think you might be a program but you’re not sure, go ahead and fill out the survey.

The deadline to complete the survey is April 19.

Click here to take the survey:

Please encourage other Safe Routes to School programs you know of to take the survey!