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Safe Routes is Hosting a Volunteer Engagement Webinar

Safe Routes to School programs across the country know that volunteers are the heart and soul of the movement providing support for walking and biking to school at all levels every day of the school year through all types of challenges and weather.


SRTS-logo.jpgBut how do programs engage volunteers to ensure smooth running programs? Join us while we talk with practitioners that have developed successful volunteer engagement strategies to boost health and safety in their community through Safe Routes to School.

- Lucy Neher, Safe Route to School Coordinator, City of Takoma Park, MD

- Calley Mersmann, Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Cleveland Metropolitan School District/City of Cleveland

- Vanessa Cascio, Lead Community Liaison, Living Streets Alliance

The webinar will be on Tuesday, February 20th from 2:00-3:00 PM Eastern. To register for this free webinar, click on this link:

This webinar is part of a regular series of free webinars brought to you by the Safe Routes to School National Partnership.  Our webinar series focuses on topics related to Safe Routes to School, complete streets, active places, and other policy and program initiatives that increase walking and bicycling to school and in daily life.
A special thanks to Kaiser Permanente Community Building for their support of this Safe Routes to School focused webinar.