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Preparing for the Menu Label Rule

May 5, 2017 marks the date we will start seeing changes in calorie information on menus and menu boards—join discussions this Friday to learn more.


kidsmealsgirl.JPGBy Center for Science in the Public Interest

As you know, the national menu labeling law is set to go into effect on May 5, 2017. Chain restaurants, supermarkets, convenience stores, movie theaters, and other similar food establishments will provide consumers with calorie information on menus and menu boards. Americans consume, on average, one-third of their calories from eating out. Studies show that providing nutrition information at restaurants can help customers make lower-calorie choices, and a national poll found that 80 percent of Americans support calorie labeling at chain restaurants and supermarkets.

Join the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) for a tweet chat on Friday, April 28, the week before implementation, to discuss the history of this landmark public health victory, the importance of menu labeling, and what to expect.  

Let CSPI know if you can join them for this #FoodFri chat on menu labeling and help spread the word:

  • Soon you’ll see more calories posted when eating out. Find out more on #menulabeling: @MomsRising & @CSPI #FoodFri chat 4/28 from 1-2 pm ET.
  • #Menulabeling implementation less than two weeks away! Join us, @MomsRising & @CSPI for a #FoodFri chat 4/28 from 1-2 pm ET.
  • I want to know calories when eating out! Join @MomsRising, @CSPI, & me for #FoodFri chat 4/28 on #menulabeling from 1-2 pm ET.

If you would like the tweet chat questions in advance, please email Colin Schwartz at [email protected].