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New Salud America! Sugary Drinks Resource

Salud America! has developed new resources to help encourage less consumption of sugary drinks for Latino children ages 0-5—learn more here.


Have you seen Salud America’s materials on sugary drink consumption and Latino kids?  A research review, issue brief, video and infographics can be found here.

SaludSugaryDrinksResource.jpgSome important takeaways include:

  • Latino kids who consume sugary drinks have more than twice the odds of severe obesity.
  • Infants who didn’t consume sugary drinks have lower obesity rates by age 6 (8.6%) than those who did (17%).
  • Kids would consume 205 fewer calories a day by replacing sugary drinks with low-fat milk at meals and water between meals.

Here are some social media posts for sharing:

Check out the resources from Salud America! on sugary drink consumption and Latino kids. More here: 

Resources available from @SaludToday on sugary drink consumption and Latino kids. Check them out here: