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New Resource: Early Care and Education State Indicator Report

Early care and education (ECE) settings, which includes prekindergarten classrooms, family child care homes, and child care centers, are places where early childhood development and a start at a healthy weight and life can occur. Learn more about the 2016 Early Care and Education State Indicator Report and see how your state is doing.


The CDC has released the first Early Care and Education (ECE) State Indicator report, which presents information on state-level support for healthy weight in an ECE setting. ECE is a priority setting for the CDC’s healthy weight efforts. Currently, about 1 in 4 children between ages 2-5 years are considered at an unhealthy weight, and 41% of U.S. children ages 0-5 years are cared for weekly in non-parental care programs. Improving practices and policies for ECE providers can have a profound impact on what children eat, drink, and how active they are in these settings, as well as encourage a healthy foundation for healthy habits.

Together we can help get all children off to a healthy start. Federal agencies, national partners, state ECE systems, and communities can work together to help support ECE providers to meet national best practice standards around nutrition, physical activity, and breastfeeding. Join us in spreading the word on this helpful new resource today!

Report Highlights:

  • Licensing:  Of 25 states that made licensing updates from 2011-2014, all included obesity prevention. Mississippi leads the nation, meeting 15 out of 47 high impact obesity prevention standards.
  • Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS):  Of the 39 states that have ECE quality ratings, 29 include obesity prevention standards.
  • Professional Development: 42 states offered online professional development for ECE providers covering obesity prevention topics.

The report also includes stories from the field, information on professional development, access to healthy environments, facility-level intervention, and emerging opportunities and process indicators. Read the full report here!