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New Report: HFFI Impacts

The Food Trust has released a new report that discusses the importance of access to healthy foods for strong economies. Learn more here.


HFFIreportFoodTrust.JPGAccess to healthy food is a critical component to building sustainable food systems, thriving communities and strong economies, but across the country, millions of families experience the hardship and consequences of inequitable access to healthy food. 

Healthy Food Financing Initiatives (HFFI) are the proven and economically sustainable solution to the lack of fresh food access in lower-income, underserved communities, and as HFFI realizes success through policy wins and community transformation, it is imperative that the movement double-down on advocacy efforts and create policy change while taking stock of the valuable lessons learned over 10 years of practice.

This report, created with support from Voices for Healthy Kids, aims to provide champions, allies and stakeholders with the background, data and resources to demonstrate the impact and success of healthy food financing efforts. Advocates will find the framework for evaluating the impacts of HFFI, case studies, as well as the accomplishments achieved by project investments and HFFI programs across the country. 

Check out the report here.