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Massachusetts Food Trust is Officially Funded

Governor Baker has signed the FY18 State Operating Budget, which includes $100,000 to support the operating costs of implementing the Massachusetts Food Trust program.  


woman-shopping-at-daily-table-from-radioboston-article.jpgThis is the first time since the program was established in law in 2014 that the state will have both operating and capital dollars dedicated to the program at the same time!  This means that the $100,000 appropriation can be used to help implement the program. It will be used for the operating and administrative costs of getting the Massachusetts Food Trust program up and running.  The $1 million included in the Governor’s FY18 Capital Budget will be leveraged and used to provide the loans and grants to new and expanded healthy food retailers and local food enterprises in low and moderate-income communities around the state.

Finally, the Massachusetts Food Trust program is a reality!

Congratulations to the Massachusetts Public Health Association, the American Heart Association, the Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations, Groundwork Lawrence, and the many other state and community partners who are working to improve the health across their communities!