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Webinar: Getting Moving in Underserved Communities


Childhood obesity impacts all Americans, but young people living in underserved communities are more likely to face challenges in leading healthy lives.

Our friends at the Safe Routes to School National Partnership are hosting a Sept. 26 webinar to look at ways to increase physical activity opportunities in underserved communities, with a specific focus on reducing disparities and increasing activity in low-income communities and communities of color.

The webinar is part of a bigger kick-off event introducing the Partnership as the Active Places leader for the new Voices for Healthy Kids initiative. A collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and American Heart Association, the initiative is aiming to reduce the childhood obesity epidemic by 2015 by focusing on six issue areas, including increasing access to parks, playgrounds, walking paths, bike lines and other opportunities to be physically active.

Safe Routes to School National Partnership Director Deb Hubsmith is scheduled to appear on the webinar, alongside Chad Spoon, the research coordinator at Active Living Research; Mikaela Randolph, shared use campaign manager for the SRTS National Partnership; and Keith Benjamin, street scale campaign manager for SRTS National Partnership.

The webinar is slated to begin at 2 p.m. Eastern. Click here to register.