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TODAY: Webinar on Exercise as Medicine


Don’t miss two upcoming webinars — including one scheduled for this afternoon — looking at strategies for promoting opportunities for increased physical activity among children and adults.

Exercise is Medicine: The Impact of Physical Activity on Health and Wellness, will look at how the National Prevention Strategy is working to increase opportunities for active living among Americans. Sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services Region VII Federal Partners Workgroup, the webinar will explain the National Prevention Strategy and Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. It also will look at specific targeted efforts such as Let’s Move! Active Schools, the Presidential Youth Fitness Program and the Health and Healthy Eating and Active Living Program in Denver.

The webinar is slated to start at 4 p.m. Eastern today. Click here to register.

Can’t make it to today’s webinar? Or specifically interested in finding ways to encourage physical activity among young people?

Don’t miss the Dec. 12 webinar, Promoting Physical Activity in Early Child Care and Education Settings, which will look at New York City’s efforts to help preschool-aged children be more active.

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene implemented regulations in 2007 that strengthened the requirements for physical activity in group child care centers. Since 2007 several organizations have collaborated to evaluate the effectiveness of those regulations, including groups such as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and ICF International. The webinar will highlight key findings from the evaluation and offer practical recommendations that child care providers across the country can use to promote physical activity in their settings.

Click here to register for the webinar, which is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. Eastern.