Skip to Content Bids Farewell to Inside Track Founder Beth Leaders,

I’m sad to announce that this is my last issue of the Inside Track, as I am heading to the Alliance for American Manufacturing to serve as director of digital media. While I am excited for this new opportunity, this is a very bittersweet moment. It has been incredibly rewarding to be at the helm of the Inside Track over the past three years.

When my colleagues and I launched the newsletter in 2011, consisted of a few hundred Leaders and perhaps a few thousand Supporters. But momentum was building, as people across the country were ready to come together to create a healthier future for our nation’s kids. The team knew there were so many Leaders like you who had worked for years to reduce childhood obesity, and we wanted to empower your efforts.

The Inside Track was designed to spread the word about the great work Leaders are doing and play a role in connecting them. Over the years, I’ve been lucky to interview Leaders from across the country working on an eclectic mix of causes to help kids eat healthier and move more. All of your stories are inspiring and heartwarming, and I am so lucky that I got to hear so many of them.’s first major advocacy campaign took place around the time of the Inside Track’s launch, when the U.S. Department of Agriculture was considering the rule to create healthier nutritional standards for school meals. Because of the work of Leaders like you, school meals across the country are now healthier than ever before. School snacks and beverages also will soon be improved, and the USDA could soon ban the marketing of junk food in schools.

Of course, the fight over school food never seems to end – as the movement continues to create Safe Routes to School, improve opportunities for young people to be physically active, reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, increase healthy food access in underserved communities and protect children from unhealthy food and beverage marketing.

But I am confident that with Leaders like you working on these vital issues, progress will continue. now consists of more than 3,500 Leaders and nearly 300,000 Supporters, and momentum continues to build toward a healthier future.

Please continue to send your story ideas and comments to my friend and colleague Prarthana Gurung via [email protected]. I know that the important work of this movement will continue in the years to come, and I’m excited to see what great things you accomplish next.


Elizabeth Brotherton-Bunch