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Homemade Food Can Reduce Sodium for Infants and Toddlers


Did you know? About 90 percent of kids eat too much sodium.

Recent research published in the journal Pediatrics found that though most foods made specifically for infants are low in sodium, 72 percent of toddler dinners are high in sodium, containing an average of 210 milligrams. And savory snack foods were even higher in sodium, with an average of 486 mg, and many contain more than one added sugar.

The results suggest that parents should pay close attention when purchasing foods for infants and especially toddlers. Especially since research has also shown that the first two years of a child’s life are crucial in developing taste preferences.

Another option for avoiding high levels of salt and added sugars in baby food is to make your own. The American Heart Association provides several tips for doing so: see infographic here.