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Eat Together, Stay Healthy Together


The United Way of Metropolitan Nashville recently launched a public relations campaign in the hopes of encouraging families to eat together at least three times per week.

Titled “eat:together,” the campaign will be a social media based challenge urging people to pledge to eat more with their families. Facebook users will take the pledge by liking the campaign, which also will be updated with activities and events happening in Tennessee and tips for eating more meals at home.

The campaign is being funded through a grant from the Tennessee Department of Health.

Family meal time can help create stronger relationships among family members, according to the United Way. But it’s also been shown to improve people’s overall health, as families who eat together tend to eat more nutritious foods, and have been associated with young people making healthy choices later in life, research shows.

A 2012 study from Rutgers University  examined  68 studies that looked at the impact of family meals, and found that children whose families frequently dined together tended to have a lower body mass index than those who did not. The study also showed that kids who ate with their families were more likely to consume fruits, vegetables, fiber and vitamins while eating less junk food.

Click here to like the eat:together campaign on Facebook.