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Increasing Water Consumption: We Asked, You Answered


Last week, asked you for votes on the best approach to get young people to drink more water. We all know kids and teens are drinking far too many unhealthy sugary drinks, and numerous studies have shown all those extra calories are driving the obesity epidemic.

We were wonderfully surprised by your overwhelming responses!  In only one week, more than 1,200 people responded. Here are the results:

  • Most people selected “other.” This tells us that, as we suspected, the solution is not cut and dry. It also showed us how passionately our Network feels about the topic.
  • The second-most popular selection was “Install free water taps and bottle-filling stations nationwide.”

We heard several stories from people who answered the quiz. For example, Liz from Seattle wrote, “Having volunteered in my kids’ lunchroom at Seattle Public Schools, I am disappointed that milk is the only option. I would love to see water fountains or dispensers in the lunchroom with cups.”

Carter Headrick, Director for State and Local Obesity Policy at the American Heart Association, also got a chance to see your responses and used them to inform his message during a panel session at the National Soda Summit in Washington, D.C., yesterday. He shared, as many of our respondents noted, that no one action alone will influence the change we want to see in the beverage choices people make. Adding taxes to sugary beverages while eliminating taxes on water purchases will help, but water needs to be made more available at schools and elsewhere through drinking fountains and bottle-filling stations. At the same time, we need to reduce access to sugar-sweetened beverages, especially in the places where kids congregate. In addition, the way we drive the conversation about what we drink and the health impacts of those choices must be addressed. He issued a challenge to all attendees to go home after the summit, ready to stand up and fight – and to keep the debate focused on the health of our children.

Thank you for speaking up and lending your voice in the fight against childhood obesity.