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Signs of Progress: Spotlight on Southern California



From our friends at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Last week, Inside Track let you know about the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s updated collection of stories and reports from a growing number of states, cities and counties that have measured declines in their childhood obesity rates.  As part of our 7-part series, we’re excited to spotlight Southern California this week, which has reported an 8.4% relative decline in obesity among children and teens across the region:

For many years, California has been a leader in making changes to help all kids grow up at a healthy weight. There has been particularly noteworthy progress in the southern part of the state, from Bakersfield and Kern County down to San Diego, where Kaiser Permanente―an organization perhaps best known as a healthcare provider―has been spearheading efforts to create a Culture of Health.

Kaiser operates a wide variety of community programs in Southern California dedicated to helping children eat healthier foods and move more:

  • HEAL (Healthy Eating, Active Living) Zones: Since 2004, Kaiser Permanente has launched six HEAL Zones across the region. Working with other local partners, Kaiser strives to build safe walking and biking routes, improve access to affordable healthy foods, ensure parks are clean and safe for families to use and build up after school programs for children and teens.
  • Activate Whittier: This local partnership runs programs to promote healthier choices in local convenience stores, supports school wellness councils and engages residents in local advocacy projects. Middle-school student Analaura Amezquita won their contest to design a “Healthy Picks” logo, and after the stores started using it to designate healthier items, the percentage of customers paying attention to healthy food choices grew from 17 percent to 50 percent.
  • Fire Up Your Feet: Kaiser also is working with the Safe Routes to School National Partnership and the National Parent Teacher Association on this online campaign to encourage kids to walk or bike to school. The website lets students track their progress and compete with friends, and provides schools with tools for healthy fundraisers.

Over the last decade, Kaiser Permanente has worked with a wide variety of local partners to make it easier for its members—and other young people in Southern California—to lead healthier lives, and they report that they’re making progress.

Between 2008 and 2013, Kaiser Permanente measured the height and weight of 1.3 million youth ages 2 to 19. The obesity rate among these children and adolescents dropped from 19.1 percent in 2008 to 17.5 percent in 2013. The declines were seen across age, sex, race and ethnicity, and family income, but were greater among boys, young children, and white and Asian youth. Continued focus is needed to ensure that all young people in the region—no matter who they are or where they live—are able to grow up at a healthy weight.

View the story, photos and more on the Robert Wood Johnson website.