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Advocacy Resources for Physical Education, Activity


Are you advocating for quality physical education programs? Then check out the aggregated list of free advocacy resources from SPARK, the public health organization that provides physical education curriculum and support to teachers and recreation leaders nationwide.

The resources are designed to help teachers, parents, coaches and community leaders in advocacy efforts to support physical education in schools. While there has been a recent surge of awareness about the need for P.E., there is still a long way to go to actually bring it back to many schools, says Billy Beltz, SPARK’s marketing director.

Providing these advocacy tools to the public is one way SPARK is hoping to close the gap.

“Hopefully, we can actually make a bit more of an impact by getting these in front of not just the usual audience,” Beltz explains, noting that audience likely includes many Leaders. “Sometimes those influencers can make just as much of an impact… I do think there’s a movement happening.”

Along with an Advocacy Toolkit provided by SPARK, resources include videos explaining the importance of physical education; information on grant funding, facts about how the lack of physical education helped lead to an increase in childhood obesity; and talking points about the benefits of PE.

There also are tools for parents designed to help them lobby principals and others to increase physical education on campus, and resources for after school and early childhood education programs.

Resources originate from organizations such as the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), the American Alliance for Healthy, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), PHIT America, and of course, SPARK.

“There does seem to be surge in awareness of the importance of [PE] and the effects. There’s a disparity of that awareness and the support, the financial support and the other support that schools are providing,” Beltz adds. “The awareness still has a long way to go.”

Click here to connect with Billy Beltz.