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FDA Announces Voluntary Sodium Targets for Food Companies & Restaurants



From the American Heart Association

Yesterday the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made a historic announcement that can start to put the choice back in your hands.  The FDA's proposed voluntary sodium targets strongly encourage food manufacturers and restaurants to lower the amount of sodium in their foods. 

You deserve the right to choose how much salt you eat.  But that decision is often made for you by the food industry.  More than 75 percent of the sodium Americans eat comes from some processed, prepackaged, and restaurant foods – not from the salt shaker.

Do you want to take back your right to choose how much sodium you eat? Tell your networks why you support the FDA’s voluntary sodium targets. Click to show your support with a tweet:TY @US_FDA for giving Americans a choice to reduce the salt we eat. I join @American_Heart and support sodium targets that #BreakUpWithSalt.

Sending your simple message of support shows that consumers demand change, so don't wait -- send your tweet now!

For all of the details on the new sodium targets, check out our blog post.