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North Carolina General Assembly Funds Healthy Corner Store Initiative


The North Carolina General Assembly has included $250,000 funding for the creation of a statewide Healthy Corner Store Initiative in this year’s final state budget. The funding is a great incremental step forward in establishing the Initiative in North Carolina, which will increase access to healthy foods in low- and moderate-income communities across the state. The program will be housed in the Department of Agriculture and connect NC farmers and fisherman with small food retailers so that they can sell fresh produce.

Also included in the budget is a provision (Section 15.1(d)) to establish a study committee to look at the issue of whether funds from the federal Community Development Block Grants may be used to support the Healthy Corner Store Initiative in future years. The initiative is not just about the physical health of North Carolinians, but is also about the economic well-being of the state. Communities cannot thrive without access to affordable, healthy foods.

Take Action: Want to help advocate for healthy food access in your area? Check out the Voices for Healthy Kids toolkit for resources.