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Meet the Staff of Voices for Healthy Kids: Carter Headrick


Meet the Staff of Voices for Healthy Kids! Each week we will feature a staff member from Voices for Healthy Kids so you can learn about the people behind the scenes.

Name: Carter Headrick
Title: Director of State and Local Obesity Policy

I have been involved in campaigns for years. Advocacy is my passion. Since I joined the American Heart Association in 2008, I have loved watching the state advocacy group grow and see the great impact that it is making. Role: I am a contributor and provide direction for

Policy Passion: I am very passionate about tobacco policies and healthy food access. I think that it is very important for everyone to have access to healthy environments and good food.

Favorite Food: As long as it's good, I love to eat it.

Favorite Exercise: I love any outdoor activity, especially walking, hiking and exploring new places.