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Safe Routes to School by the Numbers

Numbers and statistics matter when we’re working to make sure kids are able to safely walk to and from school.


They supply the perspective that helps us understand the larger context of our work and answer questions such as:

  • Are the pictures and stories of healthy, active kids in our communities rare or common?
  • Are our programs and policies supporting all kids or just a few?  Are there racial disparities in our reach?
  • Which elements of our initiatives are really making a difference?

A new report from the Safe Routes to School National Partnership, “Safe Routes to School By the Numbers: Using Data to Foster Walking and Biking to School,”  provides a primer for Safe Routes to School professionals on how data can be accessed and used in creating, improving, and expanding walking and biking programs.

In addition, the report is intended to assist government agencies, universities and researchers, private corporations, and other organizations in understanding how they can better support safe walking and bicycling and active communities by making their data usable and accessible.

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Data matters for walking, biking, and Safe Routes to School. Here’s how we can make better use of it: