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Webinar: The “Regulatory Vacuum” and What You Can Do About It


It can take public health advocates years to get a law passed that is designed to help residents make healthier choices. And all it takes is the stroke of a pen to stop that work in its tracks.

State legislatures are increasingly using the tactic of preemption to prevent local towns, cities and districts from passing local legislation to address public health issues. For example, if a city is working to pass a sugary beverage tax, a state legislature can attach language to a bill saying that only the state can regulate in that particular area. 

As state legislatures kick off their sessions, health advocates are working to find ways to identify and prevent such preemptive measures. You can learn more about the issue during a Jan. 28 webinar, which will study preemption, how to recognize it and whether there is anything you can do to address it.

Roberta Friedman, director of public policy at the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity, is scheduled to moderate the webinar, and speakers will include Ian McLaughlin, a senior staff attorney and program director at ChangeLab Solutions, and Ted Mermin, co-founder and executive director of the Public Good Law Center.

The webinar is slated to begin at 2 p.m. Eastern. Click here to register.