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Can You Pass this Quiz?


Everyone deserves access to the kinds of foods that ensure a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. But did you know that millions of Americans struggle to find healthy, affordable food in their neighborhood?

You can test your knowledge about healthy food access with the just-launched Healthy Food Access Quiz. But be warned: The multiple-choice test is pretty tough, and might even leave Leaders like you stumped.

Spreading the message about food access is vital to making progress in the overall effort to reverse childhood obesity and create healthier communities. Research shows you are where you eat and that the neighborhood you live in has a profound impact on your food choices.

In partnership with PolicyLink, The Food Trust published Access to Healthy Food and Why It Matters: A Review of the Research, a report that provides an up-to-date review of the research on healthy food access. This large volume of new research demonstrates that improving healthy food access in low-income communities and communities of color is an urgent need.

Take the Healthy Food Access Quiz today — and be sure to share the quiz with your friends, family and colleagues, too!