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New Report: Quality Rating & Improvement Systems in Early Care and Education Settings

From Healthy Living Research


We are pleased to share with you a new report from our colleagues at Nemours, "State Quality Rating and Improvement Systems: Strategies to Support Achievement of Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Practices in Early Care and Education Settings," which provides data and recommendations about implementation strategies for quality rating and improvement systems (QRIS) to support childhood obesity prevention. This report was supported by Healthy Eating Research and ChangeLab Solutions.

The report describes ways states are promoting healthy eating, breastfeeding, physical activity, and limited screen time in ECE settings through QRIS. Data, recommendations, and case study examples are provided for state-level administrators and stakeholders (e.g., policy makers, researchers, advocates) on how to more effectively use QRIS as a lever for change in childhood obesity prevention.

Access the full report here.