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CSPI Announces “Winners” of the 2016 Xtreme Eating Awards



The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has released their “winners” of the 2016 Xtreme Eating Awards in their July/August issue of the Nutrition Action Healthletter. First issued in 2007, the Xtreme Eating Awards highlight meals from America’s chain restaurants that are startlingly high in calories, saturated fat, sodium, and/or sugar. 

My personal favorite is their description of dessert nachos—those sound delicious, right? As CSPI says, “there’s nothing like a giant whiteflour tortilla fried in beef tallow and topped with 30 teaspoons of sugar (from the ice cream, cheesecake bites, and sauces).” Still sound yummy?

As Lindsay Moyer, a CSPI dietitian, said, “Far from doing their part to reverse the obesity epidemic, America’s chain restaurants are pouring gasoline on the fires, crossing fried chicken and waffles with eggs Benedict, merging cheeseburgers and egg rolls, and repurposing macaroni and cheese as a sandwich filling.”

Learn more about the 2016 “winners” here.