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Update on DRIVE Act


Summer was a busy time for Congress and its work on transportation.  Early in July, the Senate Commerce committee passed its portion of the transportation bill, which was combined with the bill that the Senate EPW Committee had passed in June, plus transit and funding provisions. After several weeks of speeches, negotiations and attempts to offer amendments, the Senate passed the DRIVE Act on July 30 with a vote of 65-34. Most of our request for strengthening the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) were included, as was Complete Streets language.  Even so, there is room for improvement in the overall bill in many areas.
With the expiration of transportation funding and policy looming, the House opted to give themselves more time to either review the DRIVE Act or come up with their own bill and funding.  So both the House and Senate passed an extension of the current MAP-21 law and funding through October.   To learn more about how the long-term transportation bill is taking shape, follow the Safe Routes to School National Partnership blog. While there, take time to share your walk-to-school photos during back-to-school time.