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The AHA Helps Increase Physical Activity in Providence Schools


By our friends at ANCHOR 

The American Heart Association’s ANCHOR staff in Providence, RI, along with other community partners, hosted a training for Providence Public School District P.E. teachers to help them develop and implement a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) in their schools. CSPAP is a multi-component approach to incorporating physical activity into the lives of students throughout their day, including before and after school. During the training, teachers learned about successfully integrating physical activity into the school day outside of P.E. classes, hosting gym activities for students while their parents meet teachers for conferences, implementing after-school yoga classes, and about a program that encourages students who live within a mile from school to walk instead of taking the bus.

Check out the local coverage of the event here. Also, follow the progress of the Providence training and implementation on Twitter using the hashtag #GethealthyProv. For more information on the program, contact leader, Candace Pierce

ANCHOR, or Accelerating National Community Health Outcomes through Reinforcing Partnerships, is a community capacity building project funded by the CDC's National Implementation and Dissemination for Chronic Disease Prevention initiative. The American Heart Association is working in 15 markets around the country to mobilize key stakeholders and partners to protect people from tobacco smoke through smoke-free environment initiatives, improve access to healthy, nutritious food where people live, learn, work, and play, and encourage increased physical activity through shared use agreements and support of physical education in schools.