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Practicing What We Preach Leaders spend much of their time advocating for policies to create healthier environments in schools, out-of-school settings, underserved neighborhoods and other places that cater to children and teens.

But what about creating healthier workplaces — including your own?

Most of us spend our days working on efforts to create a healthier nation, but we often spend our days sitting at our desks or in meetings and eating whatever food is most convenient  (read: unhealthy). That’s why the American Heart Association and the Center for Science in the Public Interest are teaming up for a #FoodFri tweet chat at 1 p.m. this Friday about ways to create healthier meetings and workplace settings.

Hosted by our friends at MomsRising, the tweet chat will study ways that employees and employers alike can create healthier workplace environments, including by providing more nutritious snacks during meetings and encouraging physical activity throughout the work day.

You can use the tweets below to help spread the word:

  • Sick of having only junk food at meetings? Join us on 4/25 at 1pm ET for a #FoodFri tweetchat on healthier meetings!
  • If you don’t have a supportive environment, it can be hard to be healthy. Join #FoodFri 4/25 at 1pm ET to discuss healthy workplaces.
  • Join @MomsRising @American_Heart & @CSPI on 4/25 at 1pm ET for a #FoodFri tweetchat on healthy meetings & workplaces. Pls RT!