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Upcoming Webinars on Food Justice and the Built Environment


Spring has sprung – and it looks like webinar season is in full gear.

Several of our friends in the childhood obesity movement are hosting free webinars in April designed to help advocacy Leaders in their efforts to create healthier environments in communities across the country.

The American Public Health Association kicks off its webinar series on Food, Justice and Health Equity TODAY with a webinar looking at how the neighborhoods in which people live – and whether there is access to healthy food -- plays a critical role in whether residents develop conditions such as obesity. APHA President-elect Shiriki Kumanyika will discuss how improving food environments is a key step toward achieving health equity, while Dr. Cecelia Martinez of the Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy will look at community indicators for food justice.

The one-hour webinar is slated to begin at 2 p.m. Eastern time. Click here to register now.

Later this month, the folks at America Walks will host a webinar studying the “lighter, quicker and cheaper” strategies that communities nationwide are implementing to improve the built environment to offer healthier food options and make it easier to be physically active. Speakers from the Project for Public Spaces will offer examples of communities that have used these strategies to improve health outcomes.

This free webinar is scheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m. Eastern time on April 17. Click here to register now.

Can’t make that America Walks webinar? The organization is hosting another online event on April 30 to look at the ways that safe, walkable communities improve both the environment and local economies. Jackie Ostfeld from the Sierra Club will join Christopher Coes from LOCUS, a national coalition of real estate developers and investors, on the hour-long webinar.

Set to begin at 2 p.m. Eastern time, the free event is designed to be interactive – so make sure to include questions for the panel when you register.