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How to Start a Walking School Bus at Your School

Safe Routes to School National Partnership has released a new toolkit designed to help parents, community members and educators plan and organize a walking school bus--learn more today! 


walking_school_bus.JPGWalking and biking to school helps increase students' physical activity levels. Safe Routes to School National Partnership has worked with communities across the country to initiate programs that improve the safety and walkability of neighborhoods to increase the number of students walking or biking to or from school. One of the programs they have worked extensively on is a walking school bus. 

Safe Routes to School National Partnership has released a new toolkit with step by step instructions to help educators, parents and community members plan and organize a walking school bus in their community. This toolkit, created with support from the California Department of Public Health, outlines how to plan and implement a walking school bus as part of a Safe Routes to School program, including tips, tools and resources. You can learn more and access the new resource, Step by Step: How to Start a Walking School Bus at Your School, here