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High school students not getting enough physical activity and other key findings released in CDC’s 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey

Results from the 2017 YRBS are in! The YRBS examines overall trends in 121 health-related behaviors of students in grades 9-12 plus obesity, overweight, and asthma.


The 2017 YRBS found that:

  • Most high school students are not meeting the recommended guidelines for daily physical activity.
  • There is room for improvement in healthy eating for students and large racial disparities exist.
  • Obesity and overweight remains high among high school students and racial disparities persist.
  • A majority of high school students are still not getting enough sleep at night.
  • Many students come to school with a health condition, like asthma, and they need help managing it.

Schools have a unique and important role to play in addressing the health-related behaviors of all students. Schools can teach and provide students with opportunities to improve their dietary and physical activity behaviors to establish lifelong habits. They can also provide healthy and enriching alternatives to screen-time (playing video games, watching TV, using smartphones and tablets) through beneficial afterschool options. Additionally, schools can support student health, learning and attendance by providing case management and adopting policies to help students manage conditions, like asthma, at school.

Visit the CDC’s YRBS webpage for a more detailed look at the overview and results of the survey.

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  • #YRBS: New data shows 1 in 4 students get enough #physicalactivity. #Schools can help. #CDCHealthySchools