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Funding for Walking and Biking in Austin

Austin now has a new transportation bond—learn more about it here. 


sidewalk.PNGThe City of Austin voters recently approved a comprehensive transportation bond with the passage of Proposition 1. The bond invests $126 million in improvements and creation of new walking and biking routes for transportation and recreation purposes across the city.

Currently, one in four Austinites are at an increased risk for developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. The largely preventable risk factors for these diseases often result from physical inactivity and poor diet. By increasing access to safe streets for physical activity, the bond will benefit more than 900,000 residents and millions of visitors to Austin over the years to come.

The funding includes:

  • $37,500,000 for better sidewalks based on the 2016 Sidewalk Master Plan/ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Transition Plan, with a focus on sidewalks rated as “very high” or “high” priorities. This plan establishes asset management practices and contains prioritization criteria for sidewalks within the City of Austin’s Full Purpose Jurisdiction. Improvements may include installation of new curb ramps, sidewalks, curbs, driveway aprons and related construction and rehabilitation/replacement of existing curb ramps, sidewalks, curbs, driveway aprons and related construction to conform with the Department of Justice guidance and ADA requirements.
  • $27,500,000 to improve Safe Routes to School and the funds will be divided evenly among the ten City Council Districts.
  • $26,000,000 to increase urban trails with a transportation and mobility purpose, using the Urban Trails Master Plan. The Urban Trail Network is a citywide network of non-motorized, multi-use pathways that provide important accessible routes for transportation and recreation for all ages and abilities. Projects may include design and construction of various trail connections and Tier I trails as identified in the City’s Urban Trails Master Plan.
  • $20,000,000 to improve bikeways with a transportation and mobility purpose, using the Bicycle Master Plan. The Bicycle Master Plan includes recommendations for Complete Streets that accommodate bicyclists of all ages and abilities.
  • $15,000,000 to improve safety and implement fatality reduction strategies for projects listed on the Top Crash Location Intersection Priorities Improvement List. Improvements may include intersection reconfiguration, median modification, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and traffic and pedestrian signals.

 Learn more about the Move Austin Forward campaign.

Read the original story here.